Software architecture (5)

Ralf Westphal

Terminus Architecture

In my experience most software architectures in projects I see are too technical. They don’t focus on the most important thing: results and behavior. Robert C. Martin coined they term „screaming architecture“: Your architectures should tell readers about the system, not about the frameworks you…

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Ralf Westphal

Dependencies Flow Down Abstractions

Dependencies are the bane of software development. They make code rigid, difficult to understand, and hard to test. If we want to do better we need to deal better with dependencies. Of course quite some efforts have been made in this direction. The SOLID principles…

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Ralf Westphal

When to Turn to Microservices for Help

Microservice architectures seem to be the latest craze. When in doubt, bet your software architecture on microservices. They sure will deliver everything but the kitchen sink. Or maybe think twice? Because microservices like all technologies and paradigms come with a price. And this price is…

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