Ralf Westphal (118)

I'm working as a trainer and consultant in the software business. My focus is on sustainable software development, high long-term productivity, and making teams fit for a VUCA world. Back in 2009 I co-founded a large German Clean Code initiative https://clean-code-developer.de. Since 1997 I've written extensively about software development in magazines, books and primarily in my blogs. In addition I'm a speaker at developer conferences in Germany, Europe and abroad.

Gebloggte Soziokratie

Wenn schon bei Brancheninformationsdienst InfoQ über soziokratische Führung berichtet wird, dann muss etwas dran sein an dem Thema, oder? Alles hat ja seine Zeit. Vielleicht ist die Zeit der Soziokratie nun allmählich gekommen. Inzwischen wird ja sogar schon Version 3.0 beworben, auch wenn Version 1.0 kaum bekannt ist.

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Functions as Objectives

Software development undervalues an age old principle: building complicated stuff from simpler stuff. That's what became clear to me when I saw this advertisement today: Shell offers at its gas stations an exclusive Lego racing car. When I saw this my first reaction was "See, Lego…

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Zu viel der Leistung

Habe gerade in einer Einladung zu einer Veranstaltung dies gelesen: "Agile Teams brauchen Führung, um täglich Höchstleistungen bringen zu können." Warum ist das so, dass täglich (!) Höchst(!)leistungen erbracht werden müssen? Kann man das überhaupt? Würde es nicht bedeuten, dass die Leistung nicht nur an Tag…

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How to Make Your Office Even More Paperless

One way to streamline office processes is to move communication into the digital realm. Paper in the mail, printing stuff to hand it on paper to the next person, tomes of paper documentation... That's wasting resources – time, money, space, wood – which could be employed…

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Ladle From the Feature Stream

Agility is not easily adopted. This of course has many reasons, many of them having to do with deeply rooted beliefs, habits, and policies. But there also seems to be misunderstanding at work. The more agile or not so agile teams/organizations I see, the more…

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