Ralf Westphal (118)

I'm working as a trainer and consultant in the software business. My focus is on sustainable software development, high long-term productivity, and making teams fit for a VUCA world. Back in 2009 I co-founded a large German Clean Code initiative https://clean-code-developer.de. Since 1997 I've written extensively about software development in magazines, books and primarily in my blogs. In addition I'm a speaker at developer conferences in Germany, Europe and abroad.

Offene Fragen zu Scrum und dem Viable System Model

Ist Scrum eine Methode, die die Lebensfähigkeit einer Organisation befördert? Diese Frage haben Mark Lambertz und Heiko Bartlog in einem Video diskutiert. Mark hat ein Buch über das Viable System Model (VSM) von Stafford Beer geschrieben, Heiko ist Scrum-Experte. Das VSM hat den Anspruch, ganz…

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The Elm Architecture Flow

What does the Elm Architecture look like? That’s what I immediately thought, when I started to read about the language. Currently I like Elm quite a bit because it makes it so easy for me to do some application programming with HTML UIs. I never…

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Leiden an selbstverschuldeter Komplexität

Komplexität bewältigen ist ja gerade Thema. Jedenfalls in meiner filter bubble. Was können, sollen, müssen Unternehmen und Manager tun, um mit der ganzen Komplexität außen und innen fertig zu werden? Erfolg, vor allem wirtschaftlicher, also finanzieller, will ja gesichert, nein, auch noch gesteigert werden selbst…

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Get Elm up and running

I’m infatuated with Elm right now. A functional programming (FP) language to make HTML frontend development easier. Read about Elm’s virtues at the official Elm homepage: elm-lang.org. In this article I don’t want to introduce you to the language. When you come back I’d rather…

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Let's play Lean

Have you ever wondered what’s meant by „lean production“? It’s supposed to improve how stuff gets produced, be that shoes, cars, or even software. Production is supposed to flow smoothly. In order to accomplish that, lean thinking revolves around removing impediments of any kind and…

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